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RUDIMENTS, pt. 822
(take a look around you)
I always felt that when a
person says something
derogatory about another
person, actually what they're
doing is telling something
about themselves. It was
always apparent to me,
and it's a good detective
trick too, to find out about
other's heads. Like just today,
there was a female politician
of long-standing and disgusting
regard, who piped about about
another that 'He's running a
political extortion ring,' and I
won't get into the rest of it
here, but the person speaking
that little nugget has been
 part of a 30-year political
extortion ring herself, and
has never owned up to a
damned part of it. So; what
do you get from that? Truth,
Justice, and the American way.
I guess. When you go around 
reading detective stuff you can
 pick up a lot of strange nuggets.
Like about liars. When a person
is lying, it is said, there's a visible
pulse, if you know how to watch
for it, at the area of their jawline
and ear, just under the ear.
They have dry lips, and tend to
look away, avoiding a direct eye
contact. Of course, a good liar
who's aware of all this can avoid
a few traits, but the pulse, and the
dry lips, they get pretty obvious.
It's also sort of the opposite of that
old Sicilian 'evil eye' thing, so in
whichever way this runs, the
truth's maybe there somewhere.
In NYC, I watched the cops; to
see how they did things, what 
sorts of reactions they had. There
are a lot of differences between
then and now  -  back in '68, all
things were sterner, almost
fascistic  -  police, police tactics,
protesters, the war stuff. That
street-authoritarianism was
done differently than today's,
which is done peculiarly and has
has different feel and color. And,
unfortunately, has all the dupes
and unwitting ignoramus citizens
simply acquiescing. It's like an
Avenel knife-dream: now the nasty
playgrounds have soft-surface areas,
so the dumb parents won't hurt
their own nasty hearts. Cops back
then were always hard-assed career
men, with one thing on their 
minds - suspicion. Of everything.
Now, there are little cops, small
people, female, weak-knee'd
guys always on their phones.
I've seen detail cops stand in
one place for 4 hours, probably 
at 70 bucks an hour, on their
phone, staring down, looking
at a screen  -  no regard at all
for what's going on, around 
them, or even adjacent to them.
I've known two cops over the
years, fairly well. One guy was
a 42nd street detail street-cop;
at it for years. Nice guy, but
never too involved; just wanted
his first out, after 20 years or
whatever it was; cared for little,
though he did say he could tell
me some things he'd seen that
would curl my hair. He's out
now. And another guy, the
opposite  -  intense, wiry,
ready at all times for the take
down. Undercover. Surveillance.
Task forces. Had a completely
different approach. Retired to
Breezy Point (a cop-community
of retirees) just in time for the
whole community to get blown
away by a Hurricane  -  Sandy  -
and then burned to the ground
as the winds and open gas lines
started a fire. So many lost so
Tough stories are everywhere.
Female stories too. I could tell,
but why bother. People used to
live like rats and dogs, homeless
but with stop-gap homes in
underground crevices and
passageways, beneath ramps 
behind subway stops and track 
turns  -  all those dead corners
of things you can sometimes see. 
These people were sometimes
vicious and brutal, but not always,
and they most often only came
out at night; their spaces and
beddings were never disturbed. 
The darkness was safe for them.
There was a strict protocol about
place and space  -  until someone
went mad. Going at others with
a machete. Or dousing them with
gasoline as they slept, and lighting
them up. It was crazy. At the 79th
Street Boat Basin area, in the 70's
anyway, there was a community of
complete wackos living in the
tunnels and abandoned (closed)
ramp exits of the Henry Hudson
Highway area  -  trees, shrubbery,
granite slabs, ramps. Must have
been 30 or 40 people  -  they
policed themselves, fed themselves,
and groomed and did all their
loving and hygiene stuff too. It's 
all gone now; one day the cops 
swept in and just dragged everyone
off. One of those Mayors running
the crackdown on the homeless
stuff. It happens every 15 years or
so; same bullshit. I don't know 
whatever happened that time. I
never knew about the dead, or
the babies that were probably
born. A lot of that's never
considered 'proper'  -  bums
having sex?  -  so you never
hear about it. Until it's too late,
or some pick-axe political dweeb
decides to run with it all and
makes an issue. Mayors,
Councilmen, Judges, and
Magistrates too  -  that's the
real extortion racket; the 
homegrown rats who dig right 
in your faces. You see, a man
gets known by the definitions he
lives by. If you misunderstand
life, you're doomed, and no
amount of flim-flam or 
dilly-dallying is going to save
you. I mean that  -  I've always 
been pretty Biblical about
salvation and redemption and 
all that. It's all to be done by
YOU, and you alone, and for
yourself. All that riding the
carpet in the interests of others,
that's all lies and crap. Those
political types, that's all they do.
Lie. And crap. And they probably
lie about their crap too. You gotta'
watch out -  they're everywhere.
The old 'glitterati' of New York,
back at the end of the 1960's, was
a real riot. They hadn't a clue about
what was happening around them 
right then, and they clung to their
old money and ways as if they
just had to. Like a legacy entry
to Princeton, some university
connection in its dotage things
the world is a never-change,
fixed equation. They end up
looking stupid, and being so
too. Back then, it was Mayor
Wagner. Then Mayor Lindsey.
Two different operations at
other ends of the spectrum,
but both desperate and in a
losing cause to preserve the
'past' ideals in a city that was
past ideals. And was burning
to the ground too. Neither of
those guys had a real brain;
it was just a tether-ball still
roped to the past, the elite,
the fragmented old world. 
There were two choices, 
basically: Cede the entire
territory to the barbarians,
and take your chances; or 
cede it over to the real estate
and financial interests. They
chose the latter choice. Now
they're all gone, and just look
around you to see what's here.


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