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Making Cars
I didn't often like to sit still;
therefore I always kept on 
some sort of move. Idea-move.
Something would hit me,
and I'd get possessed, of
some notion or idea, and 
drag it right to completion.
Sliming myself through the
muck, if that's what it took.
I had no other ideas about life.
It still drives me crazy to see how
some people can sit around for
five hours, in one place, yapping
over their food, cake and coffee;
about nothing at all anyway.
Spectacular results? No, never.
It was just a means, for me, of
staying alive. I'd get enamored 
of not so much the things
in and of themselves, but the 
ideas behind the things. One
time, over by the area where
Canal Street intersects with
Hudson Street  -  a spot I was
at twice a week, at least, for 
some years  -  some guy, as an
art installation one Summer,
erected this hand-built hut or
shelter or whatever, authentic
and made from wood, tree-limbs,
anything. It was incredible, but 
it was also nothing at all. The sort 
of hut, the explanatory sign said,
that was all over the distant
rural roadsides of his homeland.
Slovenia, or Serbia, or Slovakia.
One of those; I actually forget.
Itinerants could sleep in it, stay,
rest. Some were made into shrines
and pilgrimage spots, others just
kept as ruddy and poor shacks.
It was all pretty cool, and, at the
time then, right across from it in
the old American Thread Company
Building at that same Hudson 
Street Square, they transformed 
it, for a few years until it was 
outgrown, into the Manhattan 
Brewery, and made beer. This 
was in the mid-80's. One time 
they had their grand-opening 
party, and a few of us went. 
It was pretty cool; plenty of
beer, and I even got a memento
6-pack of the night's event, of 
the beer. Collectible, supposedly  -  
though how one ever knows 
that is beyond me. Hype, public 
relations, and wishful thinking 
all combined. Trouble was,
in the idea of 'collectbility' I
just never opened it, stored it
away, and in my hot attic, and
eventually it got heaved, like
10 years later, for being probably
skunked (real advanced beer term
for going sour) from the heat.
By the time I didn't care anyway
and the company was gone.
'Brooklyn Brewery' made it big.
'Manhattan Brewery' did not.
On one side (south, below it)
was a cool old bar named 
'Puffy's', and above it (north),
was another bar called 'Nancy 
Whiskey Pub'. Both were the
sort of venerable old places
that had legacy and stories
behind them. The preference
was for Puffy's  -  for it was far
finer, older, wood, much more
traditional. Nancy Whiskey Pub 
was sloppier, more slapdash, 
and rowdier too. Those who
frequented Nancy-Whiskey
were a rowdier, looser crowd,
more apt to be snarly, or even
decrepit. Nosy old guys from
when there'd been more of a
neighborhood there. If they
didn't know your face, the
instant assumption was that
you were an idiot tourist 
passing through and along.
Which didn't cut it for them.
In my own case, the people 
I'd be with usually mingled
over to the pool table, or the
shuffleboard thing, or outside
to the little drinking porch they 
had. I tended to just sit at the
bar and stay there, thus getting
mixed in with the locals  -  
who, seeing my camera stuff 
would assume I was perhaps 
from Dubuque and awed by the 
sights I was taking photos of.
Then they'd get all interested
as I disabused them of their
dumb notions and matched 
them point for point on the 
sights and places I'd scene. 
Background information,
history, names and events 
they'd never dreamed of. I'd
eventually charm them over 
to seeing me as the answer to
their prayers (if they prayed).
A number of the old guys
were as gay as clams, and 
they'd get all chummy with 
this 'new' wunderkind in their 
midst. I'd steer clear, because
I'd seen all that operation in 
action other times and certainly 
didn't wish to get in their 'mist' 
either. And anyway, there were 
always some credible enough
babes around to share my 
attentions. (I wrote 'attentions'
not 'intentions,' fool). Nancy
Whiskey Pub  -  and yes, there
actually was a Nancy, whom I
met once or twice there. She 
had bar-name backstory, but I
forget it now. She'd gotten the 
place, there on Lispenard Street, 
in a divorce, or settlement or 
something.  Maybe she was a 
widow-owner. Lispenard Street
was once a busy spot, but over 
time, with the larger streets and
the re-routing, and the 'square' 
built there, it was all like a leftover 
outpost,  not much more, just beyond 
Canal, Street (busy always). And, 
if you sat outside  drinking, on their 
little porch, the view went straight 
down to the Twin Towers, looming a
little ways off, which was  pretty cool. 
To the left was a plain, busy Chinese 
take-out (no seating) with bicycle 
guys always madly dashing on their
bicycle-basket, Chinese food, 
deliveries. Next to that was an
abandoned parking lot which had 
mostly been taken over by serious 
flea-market types, selling, out of
suitcases, what seemed like acres 
of live, bootleg cassette tapes of 
rock n' roll concerts  -  'You like
Clapton, in Toronto? Jethro Tull,
in Edinburgh?'  -  all catalogued 
and listed; used clothing and 
furniture, musical instruments, 
bicycles, etc. There's a funny
side note to all this, two, actually:
For years I'd pass Nancy Whisky
Pub, and be terrified of it. It
seemed a real hardcore, serious
drinking kind of place that I'd 
be a'foul of, sticking out like
a sore thumb. My fear kept me
far from it. There used to be, 
right next to it, at sidewalk 
level, a walk-down place that
sold Southwestern artifacts,
for the Georgia O'Keefe hidden
away, apparently, in each New
Yorker  -  New Mexico and
Arizona bleached steer-skulls
and cattle bones, belts, turquoise
jewelry, artifacts  - any and all
of that stuff. It was always too 
dear for my wallet, and I never
sought any of that stuff, but
I'd linger there to have an eye
on the comings and goings at
the bar next door, and then,
one day, I just first braved
it and entered. It turned out 
to be nothing at all. I fit
right in, as did my friends,
and I never looked back. One
of the 'attributes' of frequenting
a bar (I had about 6 like this)
is that over time and steady 
attendance the bar-keeps do
begin throwing you free drinks,
and the more they 'like' your 
presence, the more they do so.
Of course, you're still tipping, so
it really hardly matters. But a
good level of acquaintance can
get you to, maybe, every fourth 
beer. Which isn't too shabby at
New York prices. The more
you drink, too, the easier it
becomes to be friends. Or make
friends, or whatever. As a drunk,
you can live in a sort of bi-level
Paradise of glibness and
ease, as long as you don't
go getting yourself in trouble
with your mouth, opinions,
reactions, politics and/or 
wisecracks. Or (another hazard
of the bottle) by getting to
close with, or touchy-feely
with, some oaf's babe who's
suddenly seen how bright your
light is compared to the half-wit
moron who 'brung'em in.' And
it's all downhill from there.

Next chapter? Puffy's. Oh joy!


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