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RUDIMENTS, pt. 487
(time's up) [stop making sense, pt. 2]
Peculiar things riled me up.
Like just before (well, in the
previous chapter)  -  lairs
and liars. That juxtaposition
was striking to me. A lair
then had to be the place
liars hide out in, assorting
their dissimilarities into one
congealed story. In the same
way, what does a liar rely on?
The liar 'relies' on telling the
same false story over and over
so as not to mix it up. The word
astride always struck me too.
It means one is atop a horse,
'as to ride' it. That was damned
close to astride, to me. And
if Elliot Ness has a daughter,
and they named her Zany,
what would her character
be most like, if not zaniness?
I used to do these things all
the time, like the one I've
previously mentioned, some
time back, about dogs teaching
school. If they could, what
grades would they teach?
Why, K-9, of course. Maybe
all this was a well-tempered
skill. As I saw it (skilsaw?)
it was. So much like the
rest of life too  -  'as I saw
it, it was'.....
Speaking of which, I didn't
have a skill-set of my own.
It had always been stressed,
all through regular school  - 
not in the seminary, where only
one end was assumed (no, that's
not some weird gay joke) that
a person's responsibility to
their self was to properly find
and educate that part of them
which was their 'best' and
most-skilled part. Interest. I
never really had that. Nothing
especially interested me. I
mean, I saw the sky, and knew
certain of the planets and the
ways of the moon and all,
and the movement of stars
over the course of a year,
(from watching a fixed-point
oak tree I'd established as a
reference to the sky year after
year as a kid. Yet that never
made me wish to be an
astronomer or space scientist,
or even an astronaut. That
stuff, in its tedious aspects,
bored me. Creativity right
out the capsule window; a
cool thing like space travel,
stripped of any wonder and
mystery and just turned into
engineering feats and angles
and slide rule calculations
and thrusters and boosters,
payloads and re-entry. What
ever had happened to wonder
and awe and myth and religion?
We'd been robbed of all that
by eaters of Klondike Bars.
I enjoyed cops and robbers
and all that, but I never
sought to 'be' either one. I
disliked sleuthing and stealth
and violence. Although I did
once write a letter to Mr. J.
Edgar Hoover  -  and I did
even get a 'personal' response  - 
about what it took or would
take in the future, for me to
be an FBI agent. His, probably
boilerplate, response was stern
and pointed, and filled with,
already, the rigors of training
and discipline that would be
needed to join this fine force
of men upholding American
values. OK. Good. Later on
all the air went out of that
idea when I learned the J.
Edgar enjoyed cross-dressing
and that the good old USA
was neither really that good,
nor that old. And it had a toll
free number too, after about
1965 : 1-800-Vietnam. It
never helped me, either,
that my expected military
service as a GI would, of
course, very nicely correspond
with my own initials  -  G.I. 
I'll pass, thanks.
My father, back in his own
ancient school days, once
told a teacher, upon being
asked, what he wanted to
be, replying that he wanted
to be an an engineer. The
teacher was all pleased and
happy, and, he said, began
going on about the wonders
of engineering and how things
get built, how engineers build
communities and roads and
bridges. My father piped
up, saying, no no he meant
a train engineer, on the
railroad. Another balloon
with air going out, as the
teacher wilted. Railroad
guys must have really had
a stigma, even back then.
I used to wonder if one could
have an astigmatism, or if 
there was a stigma attached 
to that too. I was never too
optimistic when going to the
optometrist either, to find out.
In my St. George Press years,
one of my customers was an
optician, or optometrist or
whatever it was  -  Dr. Norbert
Kastner, in Iselin. Then he 
retired, and his son Bruce took
the practice over. Bruce and I
never saw eye-to-eye. His 
father, Norbert, used to say 
how he was having such 
trouble with his long-term
clients (patients?) because
few of them wished to change
over to the son, Bruce's care.
He was only a little fearful
that, in a few years, his old
practice would die. 'From
optician to mortician, huh,'
I sort of smiled, saying that.
Anyway, probably my whole
life, the best thing that I could
say about it is, 'You had to be
there.' Which I most certainly
was. By this time, now, of
Life's slow downturning, all
I really have to say is I can do
a mean crossword puzzle,
quickly, and in ink too. That
always amazes people, that
I do them in ink. Fact of the
matter is, it makes no damned
difference at all. Mistakes 
still get made, and you write 
over  the error heavier. Who 
the heck would make the 
pencil distinction? Back in
the Barnes & Noble years I
used to bet the kids that I
could do a crossword puzzle
in six minutes. A buck here,
a buck there. I won't say I
won every time, but I will
say I won 48 times out of 50.
And there are 365 days in a
year. Not a bad living. Back
in the late 60's there was a
big-selling book out by some
Dr. Rubin guy, entitled,
'Everything You Wanted To
Know About Sex But Were
Afraid To Ask.' In it, he said
the quickest time for a complete
sex act, intercourse and all, was
7 minutes. I never tested that
fact out exactly, but I had him
beat by one minute on crossword
puzzles. I've waited in lines
longer than that to have my

car inspected!


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