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Showing posts from October, 2018


RUDIMENTS, pt. 488 (junk food / junk brains) I never used to get tired, when I was young. But I never noticed it and just kept going. Now I still never get tired, but I notice THAT. So then I sleep a little. I also now don't ever much know what day of the week it is, and I get my weekends and days mixed up with each other and do really have to think about them. There are only a few markers I can go by, but I don't have much. I guess regular people can go by TV shows and nights of the week when they're on, and that sort of stuff is comfortable to them. I don't live by those markers. - I was reading something today, and it reminded me a bit of that mention in a previous chapter about the old, crusty Maine guy, and those questions. In this tale, the writer of this book, Nell Painter, titled 'Old In Art School' is writing of herself as a 67 year old Princeton professor leaving that job ...


RUDIMENTS, pt. 487 (time's up) [stop making sense, pt. 2] Peculiar things riled me up. Like just before (well, in the previous chapter)  -  lairs and liars. That juxtaposition was striking to me. A lair then had to be the place liars hide out in, assorting their dissimilarities into one congealed story. In the same way, what does a liar rely on? The liar 'relies' on telling the same false story over and over so as not to mix it up. The word astride always struck me too. It means one is atop a horse, 'as to ride' it. That was damned close to astride, to me. And if Elliot Ness has a daughter, and they named her Zany, what would her character be most like, if not zaniness? I used to do these things all the time, like the one I've previously mentioned, some time back, about dogs teaching school. If they could, what grades would they teach? Why, K-9, of course. Maybe all this was a well-tempered skill. As...


RUDIMENTS, pt 486 (stop making sense, pt. one) Whenever it was that David Byrne came out with 'Stop Making Sense,' 1982, or whichever year and era it was, a light went on. I mean for me, with words and ideas. I immediately grasped the extension of a concept I'd been dwelling on. You see, everything comes through a person in a small self-contained tunnel, and as we accept it, each of us, whatever 'it' is and however different it is for each of us (face it, we all live in separate worlds), it expands outward, as it all exits that tunnel, (us), and we become what we are or what we make of all that. That's why all that preparation, and coaching and scholastic stuff is a bunch of nothing more than business. You're choosing a product you'd like, but it's never going to be you, or perfectly characterize you, because you are, primarily, what's already in that tunnel. Which is why most ...