RUDIMENTS, pt. 488 (junk food / junk brains) I never used to get tired, when I was young. But I never noticed it and just kept going. Now I still never get tired, but I notice THAT. So then I sleep a little. I also now don't ever much know what day of the week it is, and I get my weekends and days mixed up with each other and do really have to think about them. There are only a few markers I can go by, but I don't have much. I guess regular people can go by TV shows and nights of the week when they're on, and that sort of stuff is comfortable to them. I don't live by those markers. - I was reading something today, and it reminded me a bit of that mention in a previous chapter about the old, crusty Maine guy, and those questions. In this tale, the writer of this book, Nell Painter, titled 'Old In Art School' is writing of herself as a 67 year old Princeton professor leaving that job ...