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RUDIMENTS, pt. 422
(avenel - here is not there)
I have found that it is better
sometimes to let others do
your work for you, or carry
your mission forward. All
those ancient Chinese books
of strategy and war-craft and
that, show this as a credible
tactic. The work goes on and
develops while the wise leader
remains just off to the side, out
of the picture yet there, thus
remaining a presence and
continuing his or her prestige.
(Who am I kidding? It was
always a he, in those old books,
never a she). Tactics of warfare
and statecraft : now we build
refrigerators instead.
Measuring lives and values
by production is pretty simply
stupid. That's just amassing
things, gaining by number,
with no regard for quality
or taste. Back in Avenel,
we used to throw together
the nastiest versions of
teepees, tents, and tree
houses and call them done.
They worked for us, but
really were just junk. The
veneer-drift of any idea
of 'Quality' had never
entered the atmospheres
of that town. Even to this
day, when something gets
wrecked or falls down or
when there's some otherwise
disorderly thing around, in
Avenel it just stays there  -
I've seen ruined cars on the
sides of roads, for 2 months
on end. It bespeaks, I guess,
the junkyard ethos of the
place anyway. If there are
any ghosts around there,
they are not very credible
ghosts; coming and going,
intent without message.
Manhole covers here
can stay raised for weeks,
and water company leaks
are just left running. It's
a slimy parade, but, at the
least, they wanted a parade,
so they got it.
I think a defining year for me
was probably 1972. By that
time I'd washed a lot of the
grime out of my system, had
been successfully re-edited
into a highlands Pennsylvania
person without a past. I'd
once more managed to look
as if I was 12  -  farmer-shorn
and acting simple, driving farm
trucks and milking cows. It
may even have been milking
farm-trucks and driving cows,
for all it really matters now
[yes, I hold the key, oh readers,
to all this fiction in my hand].
If you've never lived on a
dirt road of your own, you'll
not know the feelings  - even
the frogs croaking, even the
black night, in the solitary
of being, seems all yours,
alone. Behind me I had
shrugged off all that
wonderful NYC paint
and jazz stuff, in the
same manner I'd, before
that, chucked my own
Moby Dick of religious
pretense overboard.
Everything was gone, I
was clear and plain once
more. I almost wished
to re-name myself as
Kenneth Crater.
One day, on my little
phonograph in what was
maybe late March, of '72,
the land around me was
all  changing, rolling
into Spring  in that
country  way that only
happens there : my own
acreage all around me,
birds, trees, ground
cover, everything
getting set to roll over.
I had some DeFalla
going on the phonograph,
(Manuel DeFalla, 'Nights
in the Gardens of Spain'),
and then it happened,
whatever it was; a blast
of light that just threw me,
pretty much, right across
the room. Gave me new
air to breath, and new
breath too. Both verb and
noun, at once! I was taken
over. I can date a lot of
things from that moment,
which really had NO place
or hour. From that point
on, all lethargy was gone
from me, and I was
driven, newly determined.
That was about the last
cow I ever milked too. I
said goodbye to all that 
-  Warren (my farmer guy), 
my farm service, my
cover stories.
I judge things from that
day forth; again as differently 
as if some divide had been 
crossed. In the course of my 
life this has occurred three 
or four times over, I admit.
But that's good. It's not a 
transgression to rebuild 
oneself. It's the Lord's 
Prayer of living; as we 
deliver ourselves from evil.
From that point on, a lot of
my time and travel was spent
either towards Elmira or Ithaca,
and Cornell, where I could, we
could, pretty much roam at
will. It was all pretty open, 
and none of that ID and 
security stuff was in place.
The Johnson Art Museum
had just opened, and all was
good. I almost a small, oddly
San Francisco type way,
Ithaca has two levels  - twisty
hills and winding walkways
connect them. The University
stuff is all at the summit of
the walk, while the town 
and burgh stuff is all below, 
stretched along the lower 
levels. A good delineation 
between poles of  thought. 
It was an early time for the
1970's and things were mostly
crappy and awkward. Ithaca
was a really good hang-out. I
felt renewed and re-purposed,
and took strength from that, 
but I found myself, as well, 
so far and distant from 
anything I had ever been 
before  -  all my meanings 
and my personal definitions 
had changed. My past was 
beleaguered. My youth was 
Hell from which I'd been 
delivered. The very places 
I'd come from had dissolved
away. This is when language
fails. 'Avenel' was no longer 
even a word. And then I
found the person behind 
the 'Words Of the Silver 
Brothers' and a lot more
became clear to me. If one 
believes in 'just by accident,' 
then that was it; but I did not,
then, and do not, now. I think 
that only through resignation 
comes responsibility as we
take control our and 'passively' 
assist through the subconscious 
in the control of our own 
lives and times and places. 
That's what I had done,
somehow. I wasn't yet 
miraculous, had not 
traveled through, nor 
transformed, time, but 
I was damned close 
to something like that.
'Successful living may result
from a series of psychological
births over a period of a
lifetime, in which the psyche
infuses the personality with new
energy, insight, and direction
in response to the physical
situation and the personality's
needs. All old things begin falling
away, as new things are made.'


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