RUDIMENTS, pt. 359 (avenel's TKO) Sometimes I just run down : the last item before fisticuffs is a TKO, and I'm finished without ever hitting the mat. (Yep, that was about as clear as a bell, sure was). One of the words my mother always used was 'sparingly.' I never knew where she got it from; it certainly wasn't characteristic of her - voice or language. She'd be ironing (spray irons were big then) and she'd use the mist to spray the thing she was ironing, but only 'sparingly.' Or she'd butter toast or something, but only 'sparingly.' (She had a penchant too - also always interesting to me - for never actually 'completing' a task, but getting the idea across and then thinking of it as done. Like the butter on the toast - just a dumb little butter-blob, in the middle of the toast, and to her mind it was buttered - 'sparingly,' but buttered. It was never ladled...