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RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,125
(it felt like nothing at all)
Whenever I watched a crafts
guy at work, it always seemed
the eyes were intent on the work
being done. None of that noise
or extraneous excitement of
conversation or small talk.
They stayed with their work,
it always appeared as with an
unbroken intention. That was
probably good, because
distractions make detractions :
crummy work, missed steps,
half measures. It's always a
good thing to take note of that
when looking at a shop-guy
working. Surgeons too, I'd guess.
Plenty of quiet in the O.R. 
Lots of places now, in my own
recent past anyway, are set-up
with noise. Sound-systems, radios
blaring, or some other form of
audio-attack. It unsettles everything.
The mind can't really be fully in
two places at once, and 100%
remains just that, 100%. It can't
be cut. I remember lots of the
silences in those small shops and
stables and things, along the
west side. Where work and where
quality were yet revered. Just a
few blocks off, continuing west,
you could get over to some
waterfront, boat-dock pier
outfit, by contrast, and hear the
racket  -  music, noise, the most
simple voices of DJ's and
announcers, etc. Back in those
old radio days anyway. It was the
sort of thing everyone was conscious
of, even if they didn't want it,
because it was foisted off on them,
and each person was aware of it
but no one really knew what to
say or to acknowledge or not
what they were hearing. All
sorts of work environments go
trough this; I can well remember
my bookstore days, Barnes & Noble,
and Princeton, being fraught with
a tension over the 'music' that was
pelting the ear(s). It was oftentimes
a difficult environment to be in.
To me, all of that was a part of
the world around me that didn't
make sense. Regular, rational,
people, I guessed, they liked all
that and thought nothing of it. It
was a simplified picture, for them,
of the technology in the world
around them, and it bought them
pleasure, apparently, to be so
accompanied by noise and turmoil.
As if the 'emptier' life became, the
more they sought to cover that
void, with something. I remember
thinking about Art like that; how
certain people would get all bent
over 'abstract' art, how to them it
made no sense and infuriated them
to see smudges, squiggles and
colors just 'thrown about,' as
they'd put it. To me that was
about the same situation as my
having to hear all that wanton
'noise' blasting everywhere. There's
always an end to 'rationality' when
the picture begins being just too
distorted. To some the line is drawn
at 'art,' and to others at 'noise.'
Those distinctions are severely
drawn; two distinct views of a life
and a vision: rational and illusory.
Logical versus creative. Strict
versus pliable. Defined versus
undefined. I don't know what terms
are in use right now, but either one
has the adherents who embody it and
you can define it as you choose. Mere
words. One extreme portion of life,
it seems, is dedicated to finding out
those distinctions and then applying
the one or the other to one's own
application of what to live.
One time I went to a guy's home/office,
up in the east 70's. It's an area where
the old wealth, back around 1910 or so,
had established its phalanx of mansions
and urban homes and fortresses which,
if they are still in place, are now used
for things like international societies of
this or that, or diplomatic missions to
the UN or whatever; weird Societies of
Federated Associations....things of that
Nature. The hazy; the indistinct. Also
in use as Institutes, Art Galleries, and
all those capital letter things that lend
importance to Theosophical Societies
and Ethical Culture movements. Big
money, that you never hear of. This 
guy was a record producer, music 
mogul, whatever. Some name behind 
the sleeves, back then, of record albums 
and stuff. A regular  P. T. Barnum of 
the sound world (which wasn't so
sound, and I actually mean 'audio').
I was with another person who
had peripheral connections to all that
too, small change by comparison. They
sat around and talked of the things
and the people they knew; mostly
just names to me, as I pretty-much
knew nothing of their world. But, the
darkside here, going on at the same
time, was some sort of commercial
trade in drugs, of which I also knew
little. I was told later that, in those
circles, it was all as natural and as
prevalent as air and water to the
less 'fortunate'? This was an elevated
world, to be sure, but one I neither
wanted nor understood. What did
catch me, however, was how elevated
the assumptions and practices had
gotten, and I wondered how that 
happens and how these worlds co-exist.
Are the assumptions made the same?
I had just come from a lesser-level of
existence, to be sure, and there was
no denying that; one wherein the
things and situations I had had to
struggle with and over were completely
foreign and non-existent to these folk.
There was no one I could explain this to.
I had never seen (well, OK, except for
the seminary) a letter opener. Can you
imagine, a letter opener! The sort of
letter opener that is not a mere blade,
or a blade with a handle, or any of that.
this was a letter opener etched and
marked, with even a stone or a jewel of
some sort embedded in the handle end.
With complete nonchalance it was used
as ordinarily as one would use a teaspoon
in coffee (to show a simple reference).
It immediately brought to mind other
NY things that perplexed me  -  like
cigarette holders, which always seemed
perverse and bizarre to my eyes, and
humidors, desktop or otherwise. These
were all as natural to Manhattan people
at this level as 'Water For Gotham' was
un-natural in the doing. Glass-faced
cabinets, a finely-appointed young
girl attendant on the entryway,  one who
would direct you, or lead you to the
correct location and/or 'elevator (in a
three story building?), in a place that was
was once a mansion, as well as a home,
with rounded stairways and lobby
alcoves and, down below street level,
entrances (separate) for staff and for
servants (of the old days). How weird,
and how weird too that the thickly
rippled window glass was probably a
half-inch thick and slightly distorted
everything  -  with ripples in the image,
and tiny bubbles here and  there embedded. 
I was, truly, in another space and time, 
which, although it was distinctively new
and different for me, the observer of it
all, it actually felt like nothing at all.


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