RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,164 (I'm out of time) Dear Milllicent - I took your car from the driveway in New Orleans, but never brought it home. Some black folks up in Portland took it from me, saying it was rightfully theirs. I couldn't fight back, as they burned the 7-11. I'd driven up to Oregon to see what I could see about all this that was going on. Maybe write about it, or just observe for later. Nothing made sense, and I took a Greyhound down to Tempe, Arizona a few days later. I got there OK, well, really 'here,' since I haven't yet left. It's quieter here, but boring as Hell. All you may hear about Arizona; think sleeping buros and inactive Central Americans. - Up in Portland, the entire range of rage was different, and it seemed to be always changing. No one knew what any of it was about, but to them it didn't matter anyway. The strife and the theater of display was all that mattered. I ...