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Showing posts from April, 2020


RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,038 ('so where will I go, and who will I follow?') Well. Sidetrack here. One day away. Let's not talk about me! 'What's often referred to  as the first pandemic began  in the city of Pelusium, near modern-day Port Said, in northwestern Egypt. Year 541.' (Hmmm, that equals 10; a curiously final number, for so many beginnings). You know, in our language we say 'said.' Like 'He said...' But this is pronounced 'Sayeed,' Like 'hayseed'  sorta . The historian Procopius said the  pestilence 'spread both west, toward Alexandraia, and east, toward Palestine.' Then it kept going. In his view, it seemed to move almost consciously, as if fearing lest some corner of the Earth might escape  it. (OK. 'Procopius,' would not that mean, like, 'For a  Lot?' Maybe. As opposed to that other Historian  named 'Antiplentius,'  meaning  opposed ...


RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,037 ( the blazing star commando) Blazing Star was the previous name for what is now known as Carteret. Colonial days and such. No one much knows about any of that any more, but when waterways and not highways ruled the roost, the connections of importance were on the water  -  thus we find Blazing Star, Linden and Elizabethport, in a row as a very important colonial and later-era locations. When I say no one knows much about it anymore, I really mean it. There's such a dearth of real and vital old information now in what today is taught. No one gets a clue unless they dig it out themselves. Back in the time I speak of, all that 'over the river and through the woods' stuff was still in grandma's and her house's future. Wagon paths and trails through the woods were held by locals, for their own uses and own maintenance. Real freight, supplies, and cargoes,went by water. The various riverways...


RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,036 (that bowdlerized version of me) People often acted to me as if I was running things or in charge, and I wasn't really at all; in fact most of my problematic life has been in subservient roles. On the one hand, something such as that used to annoy me to no end, while, on the other hand, I was glad it was that way because all that normal decision-making matter was never the clay I wanted to be touching. Like mad brains in a mad laboratory. I was never able to get anything running in consort, and when things begin getting away from the supposed leader, you know it's a bad scene soon to be. What I had it down to was that most of life was about timing  -  some people have it much better than others. I always had really crummy timing. It's always then a caution that you have to learn to live with : You come to a yield intersection, yep, there hasn't been another car through there in four mi...


RUDIMENTS, pt. 1035 (soundtracks to bomb by) Dazed and confused meant little to me; just words. When that whole Led Zepplin thing broke, my friend Bill was all over it, blasting that stuff loud on his radio. It used to drive me nuts. I couldn't fathom what the heck they were attempting to do, and when I heard it referred as an old, American, blues-based music, that really broke the bank. The first of their songs that got big-time, man I hated it  - 'Gonna' give you every inch of my love...' That weird guitar/feedback thing, or whatever it was, that kept breaking the song with some bizarre descending noise. I was just unable to grab any of that. And then it all went from bad to worse anyway. I always then did try to keep the noisy and the infractuous away from me. None of it ever attracted me, and it never came back up as a subject. Whole lotta' love, for sure. Bye-bye Ozzie too. - Good thing was I was...