RUDIMENTS, pt 850 (catch as catch can) I used to think I had it made; and then it went away. I haven't felt that way in 45 years, I'd bet. Now I never approach things in that light. I just figure that, even as bad as it all gets, if I just keep screwing people to the ground, eventually the screws become permanent and hit into something that holds it there. Pay dirt. Solid meat. That 'got it, there,' feel. For myself, I accelerated a lot of things - got sex out of the way early, while other kids were still struggling over all that. The same with romancing, having a kid, buying a house. I was done early on. It sounds stupid now, but it got me to able to move along with other things. Getting scrunched by a train at age 8 really moves things along, I guess. My fortitude was splendid, in face of all the other bum things that transpired. - I saw some real misery 'round: in the country, Pennsylvania, Elm...