RUDIMENTS, pt. 727 ('one fell swoop') 'If all men are brothers, then their natural state is fratricidal warfare.' That's pretty sensible and very straightforward too - it means one man against the other, 'til death. I always fought concepts and implementations of things that back that up - military; armies; law and order. Man's real test is one of 'Harmony,' not 'Distress.' Forget all that rotten stuff; humans need to get it together enough to co-exist and go-it in a 'together' routine. That's hard, in light of economic differences, cultural and housing, and school differences too. Refusing to admit those differences exist is a part of the problem all on its own. - It seems to me - general observation, and I usually watch for this kind of stuff - that the dumber a person is, the longer it takes them to get out of their car. That's harsh, but I'll s...