RUDIMENTS, pt. 637 (left for dead on the mantle) Never knowing why, it always seemed that people confided in me, started telling me stuff I didn't need to know, almost in confessional ways. I could never figure it out, and never knew why - nor what they ever expected I should do about some of the things they told me. It was charming, don't get me wrong. But sometimes it put me in funny situations - like in Elmira one time we had these two friends, real interesting people, arty, lots of nice finesse, etc. On the surface of things it always seemed ideal; they were fun, we got along, he was an art-teacher, if not an artist; (I never felt one could be both, but I never pressed the point). It was his premise that he was - both, I got close with the wife in this family, from work connections. We each had a 6 or 7 year old boy, and lo and behold, as in so many other times, this wife starts telling me all...