RUDIMENTS, pt. 549 ('of thee I sing') I want to backtrack a little here and remark some more on my ocean-going vessel father. Of whom I wrote about: the days fishing, the fish, and the crabs, and the rowboats and the deep sea and the outboard motors. In the days around 1960, he was maybe 35-38 years old. Full of energy and ready to go. We would get to these small spots of isolated beach and sand that he knew of, pitch the boat, and spend some time on these little beaches. Perhaps I'd swim while he surf-fished. As we did this, most of the time there would be five, six, ten other people doing the same thing, or pretty much the same. Some kids, lots of adults. I made do with passing the time as I would. - One day we were there, on one of these sand outposts, and among the people fishing was a young kid, a boy, maybe 12 or 14. I'm just guessing. I still don't know how it happened, in one of those casti...