RUDIMENTS, pt. 240 Making Cars I learned to juggle valuations. That sounds like a trendy thing to do, now, but back in 1963, it wasn't done - especially, I guess I should say, in the bowels of a boy's seminary. Catholic doctrine proclaimed things to be one way, and that's that. No deviation. It soon became apparent to me that they were wrong; very wrong, in their dead-reckoning by stars that no longer existed. Like starlight, all those ancient and tribal meanings and lines of thought were still in thrall to light that was far off and old, and had originated many, many, years before. It probably reached us a little bit off-course, and, for sure, out of breath and out of meaning. If time bends things, as it surely does, than the merits of each unknowing moment which came to us was being misinterpreted and misunderstand. And passed on to us, in that erroneous state, as doctrine, and belief and reality. Tho...