RUDIMENTS, pt. 90 Making Cars Clarity. I think that's the best word I can use to try and approximate what it was I was seeking to achieve. It was my feeling that most people - those I knew and had seen and grown up with - had missed that. They worked through their lives in a working form of confusion; it passed muster, yes, but for most people I ever saw they'd never brought anything to states of having been defined, decided upon, and effected. The rest of their lives and times just seem ad hoc, by the moment, reactions. In my life, the people who have affected me the most, stunned me, even, have been those who appeared to me to have reached 'clarity.' All ages, all varied sorts of people. It was always good. I never reacted to fashion, money, looks, and all that - motorcycles, artists, workers, teachers, it was this 'clarity' that I always reacted to, and sought. Running for ...